Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monsanto - Controlling the Food Chain

Just a year ago, I knew nothing of Monsanto, genetically modified foods, or Round Up. It wasn't until a move to the country and a discussion with a local farmer that I became interested in just what Monsanto and others were up to in the farming community. The more I researched, the more concerned I grew. Houston, we've got a problem. Monsanto is after control of the food chain.

If you go to the Monsanto web site, you will see that they tout themselves as a farmer's friend. They "apply innovation and technology to help farmers around the world be successful, produce healthier foods, better animal feeds and more fiber, while also reducing agriculture's impact on our environment." On the surface, they look good. Why did my farmer friend refer to them as The Mob?

Further investigation proved that Monsanto is a company hell bent on controlling our food. Monsanto actually began as a chemical company, making and distributing among other things DDT and Agent Orange. Then they got into weed killers and genetically modified seeds. This is the beginning of the end of food as we know it - unless something is done.

Seeds are shot with genetic material to make them resistant to the weed killer, Round UP. These seeds are referred to as "Round Up ready". What this initially did was reduce the amount of time a farmer spent weeding his crops and reduce the amount of pesticides used and the cost to the farmer was a contract commitment that they would not re-plant any of the leftover seeds and would pay a tithe to Monsanto for every acre planted. What it actually did was tie the farmer's hands regarding being able to chose other seed to grow, end up using more pesticides because now weeds are Round UP resistant, and now we have a reduction in the variety of species of corn, soy beans, etc.

This is bad news, but there's more. The genetically modified foods were never fully tested by the FDA before they were approved for consumption. There are new tests that show an adverse affect to livestock fed on GM corn. Kiss your corn chips goodbye! On top of that, the trail of senior leaders jump from Monsanto, to positions in the FDA and in the White House (see Donald Rumsfeld!!). Third world countries are being stripped of their native crops that they've grown for thousands of years, to grow Monsanto Franken-food.

GET PASSIONATE ABOUT THIS! We need food - good food! Please go to the links below and educate yourself on the dangers of this company!


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Global Dimming

We've all heard of global warming - the increase in the earth's average temperature that is largely thought to be due to our carbon emissions - but have you heard of global dimming? Global dimming is the term given to the gradual reduction of the sun's irradiance or the power of electromagnetic radiation at the earth's surface. What the heck is that and what does it mean to me?

Global dimming is an effect that happens when the sun's rays cannot penetrate an atmosphere that's filled with particulates. The result is cooler temperatures and a reduction in evaporation (which in turn, reduces rainfall). In fact, global dimming seems to have had a balancing effect to global warming - and now scientists think that we don't really know the true extent of global warming, due to global dimming. Recent reductions in CO2s have caused global dimming to lessen and now scientists predict an increase in global warming effects if the dimming effects are decreased.

New studies show that both global warming and global dimming must be dealt with simultaneously in order to keep the balance and correct both effects. How come we don't hear of global dimming? This could be a new crisis on the horizon.

Inform yourself:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Canada's Bill C-51

How would you feel about being arrested for giving someone a vitamin supplement? Or being fined up to $5,000,000 for taking CQ10 or Milk Thistle capsules? If Canadian Parliament passes Bill C-51, that's exactly what could happen. Not only that, they can send agents into your home to search for the illegal substances - as if you were concealing COCAINE or HEROIN!!

We have temporarily been spared. The election has halted the vote on this issue, but it will raise its ugly head again. What this would mean is that anyone requiring such natural supplements would need to obtain a doctor's prescription. Further, CODEX Alementarius, an organization established by the UN, WHO and the Food and Agriculture Organization with the mandate of establishing food standards to protect the consumer and and settle trade disputes globally, has labelled nutrients TOXINS and so the allowable dosages of vitamins would be so low as to be ineffective. But I can get my vitamins and minerals from my food, right? Yes, now you can, but soon all food will be irradiated - killing off the nutrients and cooking the food would reduce nutrient value to nil.

This type of bill was proposed in England a few years ago and failed. It succeeded in Germany, where now you need a prescription for Vitamin C. The politics behind this is simple: Codex Alementarius governs food trade and if you trade food globally, you must follow all of their rules. They have set a deadline of January 2009 for the outlawing of nutrient supplements. What this means is that all countries who defy their ruling will not be playing on a level playing field with those who do. In any trade disputes that might erupt, those who don't comply, no matter if they are right, will automatically lose to the country who is Codex compliant.

This must be stopped!! Raise your voices!

Review the following and tell me this, will you just sit idly by and let this happen?


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Fluoride Debate

You brush with it, you drink it. But is it any good for you? From what I've read the answer is NO! Fluoride is poison! So why are we forced to drink it? Did you know that the Nazi's used it to make the prison population docile? That's one effect it has on people. There are many others that are well known. Now that it's been proven to be so bad for us, why are we still using it?

Apparently, brushing with fluoride (one of the most toxic substances known) is good for your teeth. Because toothpaste is considered pharmaceutical, they use pharmaceutical grade fluoride.
Unfortunately, drinking water is not classified as pharmaceutical and therefore, it gets treated with fluoride (a waste product from phosphate and fertilizer plants) directly from the factory. These phosphate and fertilizer plants are unable to dump fluoride in land fills because of the toxicity. So why the hell are we drinking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please review the following links and decide for yourselves. We need action on these types of issues and we need an informed public!!
